Training & Certification

NDT Personnel Certification Complies with EN ISO 9712: 2021 Standards. NDTSS SGNDT Scheme is Accredited by SAC in accordance ISO/IEC 17024. Refer to Accredited Scope of NDTSS

Singapore NDT Certification Scheme (SGNDT)

Examinations are available on request for ISO 9712:2021. If you would like to achieve NDTSS Certification, Please contact AQB, AEC for scheduling the examinations. Training are available with ATO, Please contact to schedule your trainings.

Certification Committee Chairman : Mr. Dickson Tan

National Aerospace NDT Board (NDTSS/NANDTB)-Recognized by CAAS & EASA,

This scheme is Not Accredited by SAC to ISO/IEC 17024 due to Employer based Scheme

Examinations are available on request for EN 4179:2022 and NAS 410 Revision 5 (Aerospace Employer Based)​. Please contact Outside Agency for scheduling your training and the examinations

National Aerospace NDT  Chairperson: Ms. Grace Liang Sook Fun

Refer to the NANDTB page to know more details and for downloading the forms.

NDT certification scheme varies globally from countries to countries. A proper certification scheme is required to produce successful NDT practitioners to suit local industry requirements. Almost all of the developed countries in the world have their own schemes, for example countries like UK, Australia, Japan, Germany and Canada just to name a few, have developed and operated their own national NDT certification scheme.

The NDT personnel certification schemes that are accredited & enjoying global recognition are:

  • SGNDT – Administered by Non- Destructive Testing Society Accredited by SAC -ISO 9712 (ICNDT MRA)
  • PCN- Administered by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Accredited by UKAS (ISO 9712 – ICNDT MRA)
  • CSWIP- Administered by the Welding Institute Accredited by UKAS (ISO 9712 -ICNDT MRA)
  • ASNT Level-3 – Administered by The American Society of Non-Destructive Testing Accredited by ANAB (ASNT Own scheme, Non ISO 9712)

Download the application form and fill it in and send the  completed application to your AQB or Outside Agency respectively and schedule your exam dates directly at authorized examination centers.

All of the above mentioned schemes operate independently of any private organizations and are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of their nominated certifying schemes. These central certification schemes allow qualified technicians to carry out NDT on any site for any employer.

To know more details, you can refer to the NDTSS Flow Chart-WI 002 Rev 3

Refer below NDTSS code of Ethics, Policy, Forms & Relevant Procedures

Download and Send your completed application to NDTSS

Exams can be scheduled for General Papers as required by IA to meet the NANDTB requirements. Schedule your examination with Ms. Cheryl Khoo –

IMPARTIALITY STATEMENT (Published 10th February 2025 by AC)

Non-Destructive Testing Society (NDTSS) undertakes to manage impartiality and to ensure that the certification activities undertaken are conducted in an impartial manner. NDTSS includes procedure for managing its impartiality during the certification process.

NDTSS EC of NDTSS are committed to ensuring impartiality of the certification activities as stated in the NDTSS -SGNDT Policy. The certification committee understands the importance of impartiality within its certification activities and is made publicly available through this statement. This statement of understanding, and the supporting procedures and processes, also confirm the NDTSS-CC commitment to managing any conflict of interest and the ensuring of objectivity within its certification activities.

NDTSS does not permit commercial, financial, or other pressures to compromise its commitment to impartiality. The activities of the Certification are structured and managed so as to safeguard impartiality. This includes the balanced involvement of interested parties.

The policies and procedures of the Certification Body and its administration are related to the criteria in which certification is sought, and they are fair and equitable among all candidates, and our procedures comply with all applicable local regulations and statutory requirements. NDTSS or its Authorized qualifying body selects the examiner for the candidate being impartial and does not have conflict of interest with the candidate. If any conflict has been identified, the chief examiner has the authority to change the examiner.

NDTSS CC undertakes to act impartially in relation to its clients, applicants, candidates, certified persons and approved/certified parties. All applicable staff shall complete and sign a impartiality and confidentiality form. All individuals participating in the certification committee, Authorized qualification bodies staffs (AQB’s), Authorized Examination Centres, Auditors and other administrative staffs shall sign commitment to confidentiality & impartiality.

All examiner (s) and invigilator(s) are required to sign no declaration of interest with candidates.

All candidates are given equal importance for answering any queries related to examination. All such queries shall be made prior to the start of the examination. All materials provided for examination such as question banks, test specimens are not been used for training. The examiner is chosen to be independent of training. If any candidates falsify any records of education, training or experience the Certification body will void all examinations taken by the examinee and all such records would be revoked.

All Candidates for examination shall follow the examination rules presented by the invigilator or examiner. Candidates proven cheating the examination would be banned from taking any examinations for a period of not less than 1 years and all such results would be revoked.

The President of NDTSS or Chairman of Certification committee possess authority related to certification matters & shall be responsible for decisions related to certification, including granting, maintaining & recertifying. The impartiality is reviewed, managed and imposed by the Advisory committee of NDTSS.

Next Review: 02/2026

Requirements for Qualification Certification-SGNDT OM-001 Rev 9

2025 NDTSS Policy & Objectives

NDTSS Flow Chart-WI 002 Rev 3

NDTSS code of ethics

NDTSS-OP-FM-003 Rev 2 Eye Fitness Form

NDTSS-OP-FM-004- Application for Examination Rev 8 ( 05 MARCH 2025)

NDTSS-OP-FM-004A R2 Application for Renewal or Re-certification examination (Level 1 or Level 2 or Level 3)

NDTSS-OP-FM-004C Rev3 Application for Recertification by Mutual Recognition

NDTSS-OP-FM-006 Rev 0 Record of Pre-Certification Experience

Complaints & Appeals Procedure

Certification Fees – 2023

Download  the Applications Above